Monday, January 17, 2011


1a.Yoga front plank
This beginner yoga move is tougher than it looks. Keeping your hips elevated and straight builds stability and endurance in your core -- essential for lifting heavier weights and avoiding lower-back injuries.

Get into pushup position, your arms directly under your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from your head to your heels [1]. Brace your abs and hold the position for 30 seconds.

1b. Yoga side plank (right)
Turning your body to one side adds another level of instability to the exercise, calling in more work from your obliques -- the abdominal muscles on the side of your torso.

From the front-plank position, raise your left hand off the floor and rotate your body 90 degrees so that your chest is facing to the left. Reach your left hand straight out at a 90-degree angle to your torso and stack your left foot on top of your right. Keep your entire body in a straight line by contracting your abs, lower back, and glutes [2].

1c. Yoga side plank (left)
Reverse the rotation and return to the front yoga plank position. Then rotate to your right side and position yourself according to the same principles as on the right-side plank [3].

2) Pilates rollup
The Pilates exercise system improves flexibility and strength throughout the whole body with controlled, core-bracing movements.

Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs straight and arms parallel to the floor above your head. Inhale and contract your abs [1]. Exhale as you slowly roll your torso up and forward, reaching for your toes with your fingertips [2]. Hold for two seconds, then slowly return to the floor. That's one rep.

3. Good morning
This one targets the neglected muscles on the rear of your body -- the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Meanwhile, your core works overtime to protect your spine.

Stand with a barbell across your back, your knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart [1]. Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, inhale, contract your abs, and bend forward at the hips until your torso is parallel to the floor [2]. Exhale as you return to the starting position. That's one rep.

Get the most for your muscle

This workout is intended to supplement your current training, so perform it twice a week, resting at least a day before any other training sessions you do.

Exercises marked A, B, and C are performed as a tri-set: You'll do one set of 1A immediately followed by one set of 1B and then one set of 1C before resting one to two minutes. Repeat the process for three total sets. Perform the remaining two exercises (2 and 3) as straight sets, resting the prescribed amount of time between sets.

The workout

Exercises - Sets- Reps - Rest

1A Yoga front plank 3 30-second holds 0 seconds
1B Yoga side plank (right) 3 30-second holds 0 seconds
1C Yoga side plank (left) 3 30-second holds 60-120 seconds
2 Pilates rollup 3 8 60-120 seconds
3 Good morning 3 5 60-120 seconds

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